Tuesday, June 22

Badger x Bass Punk x Urbanscapes

Hello guys, We are psych with this year installment of Urbanscapes. We will be calloborating with our old friends from the Dutch Beat world (lol), Bass Punks; a local DJ's label. There will be more exiting activities as you can watch the boys spinning and dropping some dope beats at the marketplace. Shopping is a must where we will be having some discounts items in our tent and make sure you guys drop by and say Hello!

Here are a bit info on Bass Punks

BASS PUNKS INTERNATIONAL is a Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia based record label, event management services and artist management company founded in 2010 by a group of partners joined together by the love of the music. The partners, all whom are well diverse in various professional fields such as advertising, design, music and film production. Fuelled by creativity, the high spirit of indie subculture and guerrilla styled marketing, Bass Punks International is not only a company, it is a movement.

Our roster:
NAZKIMO (http://www.facebook.com/nazkimo?ref=ts)
DANGERDISKO (http://www.facebook.com/pages/DANGERDISKO/46228580558?ref=ts)
VICTOR TRIXSTER (http://www.facebook.com/victortrixter?ref=ts)
WE ARE MUTANTS (http://www.facebook.com/mutantmayhem?ref=ts)
ARZUK (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Arzuk/125902060763341?ref=ts)
FOULWORKS (http://www.facebook.com/pages/FOULWORKS/97223712643?ref=ts)

Official Website (www.basspunks.com)
Official FB Page (www.facebook.com/basspunks)
Official Twitter (www.twitter.com/basspunks)

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